Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Condition at the Border is Worse Than What is Being Reported

I have ranted, I have preached and I have warned about the dangers of our unsecured border. Our economy, social entitlement & healthcare system are in danger of complete collapse from the impact of the illegals rushing the border no thanks to emperor obama ringing the amnesty bell. This is a national security risk at multiple levels that no one seems to care about either! How many coming across are carrying communicable diseases? How many criminals, terrorists and islamic radicals are crossing the border?

Dennis Michael Lynch nails the biggest problem plaguing the this situation: Most of America is NOT seeing what is being covered because nobody else outside of Fox News, a few other new media outlets and conservative bloggers are covering this nightmare on the border. I am just about out of words on this over the lack of coverage, even among the sites I visit, but more so over the lack of outrage by the American people!

The US is literally being invaded and everyone is asleep!! Let me tell you all what is going to happen, from the looks of it right now illegal alien amnesty will be passed this summer because the people of America have gone back to sleep. This invasion is not a concern apparently because STR has had MORE traffic on a stupid post about Chris Daughtry than any other post, that’s where your priorities are America! You are more PO’d over a C grade recording artist who blew off an encore performance request to sing My Country Tis of Thee on D-Day than your nation being overrun by illegal aliens who are being treated like refugees, getting better care in some instances than our veterans!

Remember these times because this could very well be when the nation takes one of it’s last turns to its own destruction.

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