You lying sack of #$%&!
Now pay attention as he makes one believe immigration reform is dead... it's not! No boys and girls if Congress doesn't give in to the threats Gutiérrez and Schumer have made his majesty will use his pen to make it happen. Obama will not grant amnesty!! You read it right! The imperial emperor will use his pen but based on the current humanitarian crisis at the border he will use his pen to grant ASYLUM!
Obama is always one step ahead of his opposition. He and the democrats pushed the immigration issue to create a lot of resistance that can be used against republicants going into the midterm elections. Since republicants won't act (we assume right now) his majesty will be forced to handle the situation on his own citing all these people coming into the US are escaping violence from the drug wars and corruption in Mexico and Central America. When he does that millions of illegals will just have to say came to the US for fear of their lives seeking ASYLUM!
America you better hope I'm wrong and immigration is genuinely dead otherwise get ready for it to hit the fan!
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