Monday, June 16, 2014

Dinesh D'Souza: Obama Sees America as a Serial Killer or Child Molester to the World

" with Obama he believes that he's doing the world a favor and America a favor by controlling this rogue elephant."

Obama is anti-American, he hates everything about this country! His parents and grandparents were communists, his mentor Frank Marshall Davis a communist, he has admitted to surrounding himself with radicals even seeking them out! Obama was never raised in the US, everything we do here is alien to him. He has great resentment toward America's "colonialism", which is a trait found in all who are followers of Black Liberation Theology, which obama is a student of and D'Souza established in his last movie. He sees the US as a bully around the world and is trying to undo all the damage we have inflicted on the world. We are such horrible, racist, bigoted, greedy people don't you know and he wants to be the savior of the collective!

Some will argue this assessment is over the top, but it's all true, nothing here is made up! If none of this were true then why is he so hell-bent on changing the country into some twisted progressive communist utopian dream nightmare?

No sorry this man is extremely dangerous that many of us have been warning about. God help us if Hillary Clinton gets elected because she is almost exactly like him, she will be his third term. She will continue the radical progressive agenda through subtle means, even take shots at obama while advancing the nightmare!

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