Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Rush: The Regime Is Trying To Repeat Fast And Furious With Illegal Immigrant Children

Great segment by Rush showing the similarity of what happened with the logic behind Fast and Furious that is repeating itself this time with illegal alien children and the invasion at the southern border. Progressives in DC have traded guns for illegal aliens to motivate and outrage the people to demand immediate action on immigration reform.

This is a win win for them but a loss for American citizens. The 100 million out of work will have no chance of finding full time work, the economy will continue on its way to collapse, social entitlements & healthcare will implode. All of this is spelled out in Cloward & Piven's strategy to overwhelm the system! The elites regardless of the chaos they will will create with amnesty will win because they get the votes they need to stay in power and will of course create their dependent voting class to stay in power indefinitely!

I am more furious over the lack of outrage from the American people over this manufactured crisis than I am from those who created it. America what in the blue hell are you doing? Where are you? Your nation is under invasion orchestrated by those you elected and yet not one is saying anything about it? I cannot understand for the life of me how you took to the streets for almost a year opposing obamacare but have gone back to sleep with this invasion on our southern border?

Are you too busy with the games, what Kim Kardashian wore on her wedding day waiting for someone else to come along and speak out? It's not going to happen there is no one coming, that someone you're waiting for is staring back at you when you look in the mirror. If not for yourselves do it for your kids their future is about to be bulldozed over for illegal aliens!


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