Saturday, July 5, 2014

Obama: I am Going to Make it "Easier" for Illegals to Stay in America

Best and brightest are not coming to this country in waves at our souther border. The emperor also left out that those who came here in waves did it LEGALLY and they assimilated into our culture. They didn't cross the border illegally, making demands, draining the system, never assimilating expecting Americans to assimilate to them! The mess we are in today is a result of liberal policies and an agenda to change the face of America. Disagree? Explain then why you have to press #1 for English? Explain what a mother of 3 children all under the age of 6 who hopefully has an junior high school education has to offer this country? Where is she and the millions like her going to work? While she is at work Mr Make Things Easier who is going to take care of her 3 kids?

Let's forget about her now and ask about all the others coming across from Central America but we really don't know who and where they actually came from originally! Hmm, are they from South America, Eastern Europe, China... the Middle East? Folks do understand that many are going the southern route into the US because its easier than going through official channels. How many OTM's coming into the US blending in with the Central Americans are criminals, drug cartel members, gang members or terrorists?! Hmmm how many? People can claim they "know" who those coming across are but fact is we have no clue other than what they say. These people are breaking the law coming here and now we will just take their word that they are from X, Y or Z!! Emperor ZERO you are not the smart man many claim you to be. Either you are complicit with what is happening on the border or a complete stooge. Either way this country will not tolerate you bypassing the law to build a new pool of voters!

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