Monday, July 7, 2014

Sessions: Admin's Lawless Conduct 'Demeans The Respect This Nation Should Have In The World'

Sen Sessions should know better by now that the regimes primary goal is to destroy the nations reputation around the world. Emperor obama has put the word out through his negative rhetoric and actions that the US can be walked over from Putin down to the illegal aliens crossing our southern border. His majesty's economic and social policies have put us on a collision course with disaster turning the US into a a third world nation. That is and always has been the goal to bring us down. American exceptionalism is looked down upon under the obama regime. We are too rich, too free, too strong militarily and politically. Obama is successfully destroying all of that going unchallenged by our useless inept incompetent impotent Congress.  There is a reason people around the world risk their lives to come here and progressives under the emperors direction are taking every action to make sure that shining city on the hill is rundown and broke by the time many get here. Once America is no loner that beacon of freedom and prosperity true dark times will fall onto the world!

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