Monday, October 13, 2014

Boston Logan Airport Isolates Flight From Emirates Over 5 Sick Passengers

The NIH in typical obama regime fashion blames the GOP for budget cuts claiming lack of funds to study Ebola, but they have no problem wasting tax dollars with stupid studies on a simulator to study drunk pilots and drinking habits of monkeys!

Airport screenings are as useless to stopping people from coming here with Ebola. People sick or possibly sick will travel to countries who have no travel bans or screenings to bypass the system to get here in the hopes of taking advantage of our better healthcare system. Worst case scenario you can bet a few are probably crossing the souther border because Mexico, Central & South America surely are not doing anything to stop potential infected travelers.

Travel bans must be instituted immediately against outbreak countries. This virus will spread because no one is doing anything to contain it. I’ve warned before I will warn again Africans physiology is different from Americans, Americans and African is different from Europeans etc. Common sense tells you when this bug reaches a large population center who have different “bugs” and vaccines in their systems it will eventually mutate. How many different strains of the common cold and flu are floating around? What will this bug do when it reaches someone with a bad flu? Containment is priority and it isn’t being done.

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