Friday, October 10, 2014

ISIS Continues March Through Anbar Province

ISIS is pushing through capturing more territory regardless of the pinprick airstrikes. Bombing empty buildings and camps and taking out $20,000 trucks with multimillion dollar weapons systems makes no sense especially since there isn't much of a body count of dead terrorists. Obama is taking the least amount of action as possible because he wants nothing to do with the fall of the middle east. He only ordered airstrikes to save face politically and help dems seeking re-election. Obama is an islamist everything he has done has only enabled them from siding with the muslim brotherhood to advertising when and where airstrikes would take place. Everything he has done is a slap in the face to all Americans especially those who gave blood, sweat and tears. His failures in leadership and foreign policy will result in the islamic caliphate and the death of millions if they achieve their end goal.

ISIS is approximately 8 miles from Baghdad, which isn't far at all. Map out your grocery or favorite department store that is about the same distance and you will have a better handle on how close this death cult is! When they reach Baghdad and our billion dollar embassy comes under attack his majesty will unleash the military to protect it up to and including putting boots on the ground. Question you have to ask is what is in this "embassy" to warrant the flip-flop?

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