Monday, October 20, 2014

Obama: Dems Seeking Re-Election "Are Folks Who Vote With Me” and “Have Supported My Agenda”

Well isn't this nice of the imperial emperor to admit and frankly he just gave a freebie to the incompetent RNC/GOP campaign machine. They are doing a PISS POOR job connecting dems running for re-election to obama and here he is, talking with race hustler Al Sharpton, making the connection for them!

Hey Reince Priebus why don't you run this as an ad in every tight embattled race or does that make too much sense?! Then again maybe you, Rove and the other establishment GOP'rs are too busy railroading conservatives like Sen Mike Lee to care!

How many blue blood democrats angered with the direction obama has taken this country will still go to the polls and vote for the same people who enable him? Better yet how many drones will vote for the same people who are keeping them down and in corner blaming republicants?!

Obama just threw a bone that every single republican and conservative should be pouncing their opposition on and I bet none of them will use this to lock up a win.

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