Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Second Dallas Ebola Patient Flew on Plane Before Testing Positive

Chances of an outbreak are remote huh? Not only do the passengers who flew with this second patient have to be checked but what about all the people who have flown on that plane right after? What about the flight crews? What about the cleaning crews that came in after the flight? Oh and by the way everyone is talking about the flight from Cleveland to Dallas, well this worker had to FIRST go from Dallas to Cleveland! Did they fly, take a train, drive? When the method of transportation is identified, we can assume they flew, what about all the people they flew with?!

You have to wonder if this is how pandemics started out in sci-fi movies that resulted in mankind practically being wiped out! Regardless fact is the CDC is doing a PISS POOR job of handling this and putting a lid on it. The CDC Director do this day still downplays the threat of a major outbreak arguing with Megyn Kelly to seal off West Africa would cause it to spread! Well from the looks of it, it will be spreading all over because no one in govt seems to want to isolate anyone who has been exposed!

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