Thursday, January 8, 2015

Did You See All the Good Muslims Rallying Against Terrorism? Neither Did I!

We keep hearing about how the good/ moderate muslims are against and condemn the actions of radical muslims but where are they? It's not enough for one or two moderates to make a tv or radio appearance saying "yes moderates are upset with what is going on".

The good/ moderate muslim community has got to take a more aggressive approach to route out radicals but also make it very public. Yes, we infidels want to see good muslims marching or holding rallies against radical islam, because not to speak is to speak!

When the Westboro Baptist Church takes to the streets protesting US soldiers funerals Americans step forward condemning them and counter protesting, many times making them pack up and leave. Why can't the muslim community speak out at the least over what radicals are doing? We have heard reports of radical teachings going on within some mosques, why can't moderates expose those engaged with such activity, is it too much to ask? Does Sharia prohibit you from turning in those who want to hurt and kill others?

You shouldn't be surprised with being on the receiving end of bad looks or harsh words. What are people to conclude when an entire segment of a population is completely silent over what a "small minority" is doing in the name your religion?! Frankly your silence tells Americans and non-muslims around the world you're either living in fear to even speak out and/ or approve of what these barbarians are doing in the name of your religion! But if you're living in fear that should be the biggest incentive to speak out and seek help!

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