Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Chris Matthews Claims There's a 'Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy to Get Hillary Clinton'

Oh good grief we've heard this excuse before and just as it was pile of bull back then with Billy it's an even bigger pile with Hillary.

The left is on record that they do not care this woman broke federal law. It does not matter if she sent or received classified emails. Under US Code 18 Sec 793(f) she was negligent in handling classified information (mind you this is just one of many laws broken). What Hillary has done compromising national security with her server in a bathroom is far worse than Gen Petraeus, Sandy Berger and even Edward Snowden!!

When she walks that will be the final confirmation that our nation is totally corrupt. It is even worse because this will also confirm there are 2 sets of rules, where the elites can get away with just about anything.

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