Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Senator WARNS Under New AUMF President Can Declare International Martial Law

This is unreal please make the time to watch to this and understand the warning from Sen Murphy.

McConnell, Graham... THE PROGRESSIVES aka ESTABLISHMENT are fast-tracking the Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) that will allow the president to deploy troops anywhere in the world. Sen Christopher Murphy went a step further saying this will allow the president (be it obama, Trump, Clinton ???) the power to declare International Martial Law to fight terror! Now before you start shaking your head in agreement consider who has been deemed terrorists: ISIS, al Qaeda, Hamas..... TEA Partiers, Conservatives, Right-Wingers, Left-Wingers etc!!

"This resolution is a total rewrite of the war powers clause of the United States Constitution. Let's be clear about that. It is essentially a declaration of international martial law,a sweeping transfer of military power to the president that will allow him or her to send US troops almost anywhere in the world, for almost any reason with absolutely no limitations.

...the language of this resolution is dangerous and it is unprecedented.

...even worse the language doesn't even require ISIS to be present in a country for the president to invade. All that is necessary for the president to be able to argue with a straight face is that the threat of ISIS was present. What was seen here in the United States the threat of ISIS is present in virtually every corner in the world thus this resolution would give the president total absolute carte blanche to send our young soldiers to any corner of the world without consulting Congress.

...this resolution, as it's currently written, would do exactly the opposite. It would permanently hand over war making power to the president, and Congress would never get it back. It would allow this president and the next president to send our troops almost anywhere in the world for virtually any justifiable reason with no ability of the people's branch of the federal government, this Congress, to step in and have our say."

This is far too much power to give any POTUS. And look by who and when this bill is being proposed. This bill is being proposed by certified RINO's (Mitch McConnell/ Lindsey Graham) while the nation is distracted with a very heated presidential primary season. The bill is being proposed now because 2 candidates we know for sure, Cruz & Paul, would be standing in the well of the Senate thundering away against this power grab are absent preparing for an important presidential debate before Iowa.

Now lets go back to the beginning of this post where I reversed the culprits. Normally I point out establishment as progressives, but this time I said progressives aka establishment. Why? Because a certain candidate who claims to be the anti-establishment candidate just said a few days ago he will become part of establishment to get things done! Said candidate has demonstrated he'll go far beyond the abuse of power our current dictator has gone. Is this AUMF the type of power we want him, or anyone, to have especially when we know, by his past actions, this person in particular will viciously attack and try to destroy his enemies? Is this the type of power we would want to give to Hillary Clinton or barack obama!? Do we want anyone to have so much power they can deploy US troops ANYWHERE without Congressional approval to take out those they deem our enemies?

We need to know more about this bill for sure but on the surface as Sen Murphy outlines this is a very bad AUMF resolution. Keep in mind democrats generally like this sort of power grab but here we have a dem senator warning the dangers this one poses!!

We need to elect leaders in the Senate, House and White House who will stand firm to the Constitution and not welcome gifts of power from radicals within our govt.

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