Thursday, February 4, 2016

Carson Camp in Trouble, Reports of Downsizing Lack of Funds

In the wake of misinformation that went out about Carson suspending his campaign, in which the Cruz camp was blamed no thanks to CNN, it would appear the truth is slowly dripping out about Ben Carson's bid.

According to the Carson camp we are to believe a world renowned brain surgeon, who has had to make countless life and death decisions, a man who in fact has gotten that 3am call and even journeyed into "undiscovered territory" in his field of medicine had to take a break because he needed clean clothes!? We're seriously supposed to accept this man I just described couldn't send his dirty laundry to the hotel laundry service, have an aid run to the dry cleaners or at the worst run to a department store or even have them come to him for a new suit?

Sorry doc not buying it and neither should anyone reading this! Why

According to The Washington Times members of a Carson super PAC called it quits joined the Cruz campaign on Jan 31st... the Iowa Caucus and rumor of campaign suspension was Feb 1st late in the day (4:43pm). It's also reported the Carson campaign is downsizing, cutting salaries and staff, reducing advisers to rolling/ traveling crew as funds are drying up.

This all didn't just happen, Carson's campaign has had its share of ups and down and he was never in the running in Iowa. This campaign is on life support and probably "misinformed" CNN's Chris Moody to get some attention and airtime since the over-sized oompa loompa has been busy making this election about him! Don't be surprised if he drops out after the New Hampshire or South Carolina primary.

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