Thursday, February 18, 2016

NO, Glenn Beck NEVER Said God Killed Scalia So Cruz Could Get Elected

For the last 24 hours I've watched how countless sites ran with the headline that Glenn Beck said God killed Justice Scalia so Ted Cruz could get elected. Some even suggested Beck used a "godly voice" when he made the alleged comment on his radio show... IT NEVER HAPPENED! Also take note NONE of those sites you probably shared the headline out have it in quotes!

Heres the entire clip in its entirety... LISTEN FOR ONCE!

What we have here boys and girls is a pile on by a bunch of HACK sites, from leftist & right-wing blogs to even CNN...

NO, Glenn Beck NEVER Said God Killed Scalia So Cruz Could Get Elected 1

NO, Glenn Beck NEVER Said God Killed Scalia So Cruz Could Get Elected 2

Yea I called many of you hack sites, because NO ONE took the time to actually LISTEN to what Beck said. Instead some leftist site made the charge and everyone ran with it in the hopes to out do each other. Why?

We are a society that reacts off of 140 characters. I've seen it more times than I care to remember from even my own posts where people react off the headline PROVING they never watched, listened or read what I posted. The only interest the countless number of sites who ran with this bogus charge did it because they need hits to their site. It's all about generating traffic, to hell with the truth anymore. I want traffic to STR too but I will not sacrifice integrity, principles and values I've been fighting for to get a few hits. Because of that integrity I don't get much traffic because apparently being truthful and honest isn't popular anymore. (Let's see you post this Drudge!)

I'm not going to spend a lot of time on what Beck said other than to say Scalia's death SHOULD BE a wake up call for everyone, this election is not a game. (Some sites in their defense did make this point.) We need someone elected to POTUS that respects and understands the Constitution, who will be choosing the next 2-3 Supreme Court Justices because they will decide the fate of our rights over the next 30 years. Myself, Beck, Mark Levin many of you etc have all said we are one vote away from losing our fundamental rights. District of Columbia v. Heller was a 5-4 decision in favor of gun rights... we just lost that 5th vote America! If the wrong guy/ gal gets elected they could appoint Justices who will vote 4-5 to take away our 1st, 2nd, 4th Amendment etc rights away.

Please stop reacting off headlines. Please read, listen, watch AND VERIFY it all before you post comments and share it out! Please WAKE UP!

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