Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Clinton Supports Extending Obamacare to Illegal Aliens

Clinton more or less confirming what obama lied about that illegals will get free healthcare under obamacare. Sure sure she says as long as they can "pay for it" but we all know how this will end. She even confirms that something will have to be worked out for how subsidies are handled under comprehensive immigration reform.

First off comprehensive immigration reform is off the table, but under her regime she'll force it through which means outright amnesty and full citizenship for illegal aliens. Second, why should free healthcare at the expense of American taxpayers be included in any immigration bill?! See this is the problem with DC and why nothing like getting the wall built ever gets done. These SOB's add so much garbage into bills that they end up 2000 pages long screwing us in the long run. This is your money America going to the benefit of people who not only show no respect for our culture and laws but each and every one of us as they willfully infiltrate the US for all the free stuff at your expense! Free stuff offered by corrupt politicians whose only intention is to secure votes to stay in power indefinitely.

Once again Rep Joe Wilson will be proved right.

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