Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Congressman Rips Obama DOD Official Over Released Gitmo Detainees Who Have Killed Americans

Rep Rohrabacher rightfully blasted DOD Special Envoy Paul Lewis over the obama regime setting cold-blooded killers loose from Gitmo. BY HIS ACTIONS obama has no intention of keeping America safe, he has spat in the face of every single serviceman too! How many Americans died to capture these monsters obama sets loose to only kill again?

Those captured on the battlefield deserved to be locked up indefinitely at Gitmo. The insane reason obama wants the facility closed is because it will cause more terrorism and be used as a recruiting tool. The regime has yet to parade a terrorist out in front of reporters making that claim. The fact its operating costs are less than obama's traveling/ vacation expenses and NO ONE wants any of these monsters on US soil is irrelevant of course!

The emperor has set these monsters loose who return to the battlefield only to kill more of our warriors who go into battle with both arms tied behind them under ridiculous rules of engagement. Or these terrorists go to a city like Paris, Brussels to kill innocent people. So because of these policies more Americans and our allies will be killed because of insane ROE and there is no incentive to capture these monsters who may have critical intel. Terrorists will be killed on the battlefield, while that isn't a bad thing, we do lose the opportunity to capture and interrogate them to stop future attacks.

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