Sunday, March 20, 2016

Judge Pirro Warns GOP Establishment: Be Careful, Don't Make This A Different Kind of Revolution

Pirro is amping things up and it doesn't matter if you're a Trump or Cruz supporter, both have one thing in common: they are hated by the establishment GOP.

The GOPe hasn't gotten the hint they are done after this election. Remaining in denial they keep their last hope Kasich in play, who mathematically cannot win, to steal votes/delegates and force a contested if not brokered convention. Kasich is the GOPe last shot and maintaining some kind of control over the election, Washington DC and everything Pirro lists while ignoring the will of the people who want Cruz or Trump.

The judge is correct, what we are witnessing is a political revolution but if the elites continue on this path going against the will of the people they just might spark a "different kind of revolution" the world hasn't seen in America for a very long time...

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