Tuesday, March 1, 2016

New CNN Poll: Trump LOSES to Clinton in November, Cruz & Rubio Narrowly Win

A new CNN poll shows Trump losing to Clinton (and Sanders) but Cruz and Rubio narrowly beat her. This is a poll you will not hear Trump bragging about today. Instead he will say CNN are "liars and nasty" as he does to anyone who doesn't get in lockstep and praise with him.

America when will you wake up to this monumental disaster in the making? The media put Trump on a pedestal to convince you to support him only so they can destroy him and hand the presidency to the felon Clinton!

Ask yourself when has it ever been a good thing when the liberal is picking a GOP candidate? They want the candidate they know they can destroy. You can bet your last $1 if Trump gets the nomination they liberal media who created this candidate will slaughter him.

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