Scottie Nell Hughes appeared on CNN and addressed Trumps comments that riots may happen if he doesn't get the nomination making an insane comment that "riots aren’t necessarily a bad thing if it means it’s because it’s sitting there and fighting the fact that our establishment republican party has gone corrupt and decided to ignore the voice of the people"! Sorry I missed all the benefits that came out of the riots in Baltimore, Ferguson, LA, Chicago etc?!? This nation has been tearing itself apart we don't need anymore riots that will increase that divide.
Trump HAS TO WIN 1237 delegates to secure the nomination. If he comes in with 1000 and Cruz has 8-900 it goes to a contested convention where delegates vote for the candidate. That's how this party under our Republic works, whether we like the rules put in place or not. You better hope it doesn't go to a brokered convention, which is what Kasich wants, because then the ruling elite, GOPe, will really show themselves screwing both Trump and Cruz by picking someone else!
If the GOPe does in fact screw the will of the people violence is not the answer. If that happens if they SCREW Trump or Cruz then you will hear no objection from myself or many others about an independent or third party run. Let's make one thing clear, regardless what happens this election the Republican Party is all but dead now they ARE the Whig Party.
One thing is for sure though AMERICANS do not act like Venezuela or some other third world nation taking to the streets destroying innocent peoples property and harming others over the actions of the elite ruling class establishment. We also do not plant the seeds of dissent through subliminal messages [:cough:] to followers who are already amped up to begin with to riot!
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