Wednesday, March 2, 2016

WH: Captured ISIS Terrorists Will Not Be Transferred to Gitmo

Nope instead they will be shipped off somewhere only to be set loose again!

What incentive is there for our warriors to capture terrorists if they won't be imprisoned under US supervision at Gitmo? We cannot trust other nations to lock these monsters up, keep them locked up and isolated. This policy puts our nation in danger because there is a greater chance terrorists with information will more than likely be killed on the battlefield than captured. Lets be honest you think any operator is going to hesitate pulling the trigger knowing the SOB in their crosshairs, shooting and killing his brothers in arms, if captured will be set loose?

Is that bad if our warriors kill them all and take no prisoners? No, but it's not good either. As much as people would hate to admit it we need to capture some of these monsters and get every bit of operational info we can out of them. Obama's push to close Gitmo, which costs less than all the money he spends traveling, is just another example of his failed national security policy which endangers the homeland.

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