Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Ted Cruz SCHOOLS Hannity in Heated Interview on Delegate System

Cruz is mad because Hannity and all of Fox are enabling this nonsense from whiny Trump over his lack of understanding rules and having any infrastructure set up to run a successful campaign. He is mad because they do not want to talk about real issues, policy or substance just sling the mud to get ratings while this nation burns to the ground. Cruz is mad because people claiming to be staunch conservatives like Hannity have been smoked out as complete and total frauds.

Hannity for years ran on conservative, pro-Constitution platform being adamant he is a "registered conservative" yet backs NY LIBERAL PROGRESSIVE Trump who NEVER speaks on the Constitution?! The man is as much a fraud as Laura Ingraham, Sarah Palin, Dr Ben Carson, Eric Bolling (this hypocrite flaunts the Constitution he carries around), Ann Coulter and the list goes on and on. Hannity snapped from all the heat he is getting from people thinking it would make him a bigger star and get more adulation from Trump. He doesn't understand he is digging himself a deeper hole everyday. I will go out on major stretch to say after this election is over his ratings on tv and radio (viewership/ listeners) will drop harder and faster than Laura Ingraham's Fox News career (she briefly had the 5pm slot)!

Fox and countless fake conservatives like Hannity plug Trump who by Fox's OWN poll will LOSE miserably to Hillary Clinton. WHY? They are putting the future of the US Supreme Court and of course the US Constitution in mortal danger of being under progressive control.

To date NO ONE has answered my call for video of Trump speaking in detail where in the Constitution he gets the power to carry through on all the promises he is making. Please send them if you have them!

Trump like obama uses the heavy rhetoric, attacks his opponents, speaks in generalities never offering any specifics expecting a win based off his bomb throwing. The party will not be united regardless of whomever comes out as the nominee because Trump and his supporters (who meet Eric Hoffer's definition of fanatic) have destroyed any chance of unity.

The vicious personal attacks at Cruz and his wife, attacks against conservatives and Cruz supporters is not something that can be swept under the rug and forgotten. Furthermore Trump IS NOT a conservative and it is insane to expect people to abandon their principles and values to back him, or else. I have been attacked repeatedly for simply expressing my opinion. I have been kicked out of number of facebook groups solely because I'm not a Trump supporter. I was attacked by a Trumpanzee at gun show months ago, accused of not even being a citizen while I corrected this ill-informed "person"as I cited the Constitution.

In 2008 I warned people about obama and NO ONE listened. The same red flags I saw then I see clear as day now with Trump and once again people are not listening. America you are going to learn a very hard lesson supporting this con artist.

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