Pres Trump gave a joint presser today with the President of Finland and was asked about his pardon of Sheriff Joe Arpaio. After he defended his decision, Trump proceeded to highlight some of the criminals and terrorists pardoned/ commuted by fmr presidents Clinton and obama, the media, critics in the GOPe and pundits all seem to have forgotten.
Clinton pardoned/ commuted:
Mark Rich - did business with Iran, while Americans were held hostage
Susan Rosenberg - domestic terrorist, tied to the Weather Underground, responsible for death of a security guard and 2 police officers
Carlos Vignali - drug dealer/ trafficker
obama pardoned/ commuted:
Bradley "Chelsea" Manning - leaked classified information
Oscar Lopez Rivera - terrorist responsible for 28 bombings in Chicago that led to multiple deaths
Sheriff Arpaio did his job upholding US immigration law thus becoming a target of the obama regime the moment the obama took office in 2009. He is guilty if anything of a misdemeanor, as Mark Levin explained, the pardon was justified and within Trump's Constitutional plenary powers.
Do not be fooled by anyone attacking Trump, these people (McCain, Flake, Ryan etc) are his enemies and always have been. They would condemn Trump if he came up with a cure for cancer, because he would be putting medical companies out of business!
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