Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Trump Blasts Media, He's Blaming Both Sides for Charlottesville, Warns Are Washington and Jefferson Statues Next?

Pres Trump held a presser today to announce his infrastructure plans but the leftist media were not interested in asking any questions about how it will benefit America. No, instead they want to harp on the President over racists (PLURAL meaning more than one) who clashed over the weekend in Charlottesville, VA over the removal of a Civil War Statue.

Trump has been clear on several occasions that he has denounced and condemned racists yet the media has selective memory that he's never addressed it. They will continue to push this narrative because, if you haven't noticed, the Russian angle is DOA.

The media didn't like when Trump started pointing it wasn't just the nazis and white supremacists being violent but also Leftists who showed up to counter protest.

As the back and forth continued Trump hit the radicals with what concerns many of us - today it's the General Lee statue, will Washington, Jefferson and other Founding Fathers statues, monuments and historic sites be next?! I pointed this out Saturday as the chaos unfolded, where now many outlets and radio personalities are expressing concern. No one seems to have an answer, but you can bet the last penny in your pocket it will happen if this insanity is not stopped.

The more statues, historic sites of American history that gets removed over Leftist PC childish pressure, the closer we get to removal of National Monuments. Americans sitting back, remaining silent is telling Leftists the nation is okay with what they're doing. Do you honestly believe they'll stop over few Civil War Statues? The Jefferson Memorial, other Natl monuments and even Mt Rushmore are now in danger! Why? Because the "Founders were racist slave owners"!

These statues serve as scars to our past. We've made mistakes in the past that weren't erased like Prohibition and then its Repeal. It's there for everyone to see it wasn't wiped from the Constitution. For those statues and artifacts that have a dark history I say put a new placard on them telling the good and bad because WE NEED the scars to know who we are, but more importantly what we've overcome. And who is to say if these things are moved to museums they will be protected? Remember progressives are about the long term 100yr plan. If the wrong people get control of artifacts they can make those artifacts disappear while they retell history the way they see it.

A: "Where's the statue of X?"
B: "What statue of X?"

The President was justified in his response today. The attacks against him, our artifacts under assault are proof of the Leftist agenda to "fundamentally transform the United States of America" still remains even though obama is gone.

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