Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Nancy Pelosi Gets Heckled During Town Hall: “How Much Are You Worth Nancy?” (Video)

Nancy Pelosi held a town hall meeting criticizing the tax reform bill, pushing her crumbs nonsense when someone in the audience called her out over how much she is worth. Attendees were quick to shoosh the woman heckler and in typical progressive fashion, this rich elitist, who lives behind walls and enjoys armed security, responded, “No, we’re not talking about that. So in any event.. I can out, ya know I’m a mother of five, I can out speak louder than anybody.”

Why aren't we talking about your wealth Nancy? Aside from all the smoking hot deals you manipulated in your husbands businesses favor you've become awfully rich in Congress. Why is it so many of you democrats become super rich in Congress while you demonize capitalism and get kickbacks you blame the other side of receiving?

Let's talk about your wealth and how out of touch you are. You trivialize $1000 bonuses, small pay increases as things that are "crumbs", and claim this tax reform is the next apocalypse. Apocalypse for whom? Those seeing a little bit more pay not so much, but you and your ilk one can see how it hurts you. You're a proven liar, who doesn't want the average American to get ahead or have a little extra in the bank. You want people broke and dependent on govt because you know so long as you preach you bullshit to them you and your ilk stay in power. Also why is it you expect the rich to share the wealth when you don't?! Hypocrite!

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