Are you listening America? Democrats are no longer hiding their intentions for the nations future. Nancy Pelosi laughed and confirmed an attack ad against her is "accurate" that she wants to "roll back" the tax reform just passed last year. That extra couple bucks you're bringing home the democrats want to take away!
You see America, democrats think YOUR money is theirs to do as they wish. And let's not sugar-coat what she is saying here, Pelosi (the leader of the democrat party) wants to raise taxes if they regain majority in Congress after the midterm election. Now granted Pres Trump will veto any attempt, BUT what if the dems regain a super-majority? They would not only have the votes to do anything they want legislatively, but could theoretically override a presidential veto!!
Don't say it cannot happen. Ten years ago if you said barack obama was going to be president you would have been laughed at. Two - three years ago people were expecting Hillary Clinton to succeed obama, no one thought Donald Trump had a chance, but look where we are!
The GOP is doing a C-... piss poor job holding majority they begged voters to give them. Voters and the republican party are clearly in a state of complacency Pres Trump has vehemently warned against multiple times. DO NOT SAY democrats can't win their power back.
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