Thursday, June 28, 2018

Confederate Democrats FAIL to Stop Rep Jim Jordan From DEMOLISHING Dep AG Rosenstein 📺

Jim Jordan had straight forward questions that needed to be answered by Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein unlike the softball questions and praise his democrat colleagues were lobbing. Apparently asking Rosenstein why has hasn't complied with Congressional requests was enough for the modern day democrat confederacy to show it's alive and well in the US Congress.

Confederate Democrats Eric Swallwell and loudmouth Sheila Jackson Lee tried their hardest to stop Jordan's questioning only to be shot down by Chairman Goodlatte. The confederacy is in overdrive to stop the GOP from getting answers and keeping the Mueller witch hunt against Pres Trump going. What are they so scared of being revealed??

For most of the hearing Rosenstein gave a lot of non-answers blaming how the system works for delays in the turning over of documents, he wasn't there, he had no knowledge, or refused to answer questions on issues of national security because of ongoing investigation. Rosenstein sat in front of Congress smirking, smiling knowing he's stonewalling them at every opportunity. "Why would he do that", some ask? Because he is knee-deep in the corruption, at the least over his involvement with Uranium One.
Reps DeSantis, Gaetz, and Gowdy all hit him hard with questions and/ or damning statements that by the time it was Jordans turn, the Congressman spelled it out for the Deputy AG the House is about to vote to compel him to comply or face charges of contempt and impeachment!

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