Thursday, August 30, 2018

Bernie Sanders Fmr Press Sec: Trump Admin Doing "Hostile Takeover" of the Courts (Video)

Symone Sanders, Bernie Sanders fmr Press Sec, is not happy over the Trump admin's judicial appointments suggesting it's a "hostile takeover" of the courts! Exactly how does that happen if said judges require Senate confirmation? Does this mean the democrats who voted yes are complicit with Trump's takeover?! Did they lie about resisting Trump? Guess for the dems going home for summer recess was more important than #RESIST huh Symone!?

Every single thing this admin does, which is no different from any other admin, triggers these unhinged Leftists. All these people do is sit around looking for something to be outraged over, cooking up the most inflammatory rhetoric to use to amp up their foot-soldiers. You gotta wonder, what did Symone call it when obama was literally stacking the federal courts with radical judges?

If you like seeking Leftists heads explode daily please be sure to vote for republicans this Nov, get 10 friends/ family out to vote too and have them do the same with 10 of their friends/ family!

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