Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Dem Candidate for CA Gov, Says Gov’t Should Pay For Universal Healthcare For Illegal Aliens (Listen)

Lt Gov Gavin Newsom, running for CA Governor, say the state government should pay for the universal healthcare of illegal aliens similar to the program he started when he was mayor of San Francisco that paid for illegals healthcare at the expense of taxpayers.

“I did universal healthcare when I was mayor, fully implemented, regardless of pre-existing condition, ability to pay, and regardless of your immigration status. San Francisco is the only universal healthcare plan for all undocumented residents in America. Very proud of that we proved it could be done, without bankrupting the city*,I’d like to see that extended to the rest of the state."

CA may be 5th largest economy but the state is in severe debt over unsustainable programs like single payer Newsom wants to implement. [CA is last place you want to be when the economic bubble finally bursts. What do you think is going to happen with all the people, legal and illegal, who have their hands out when the free stuff is gone!? Mad Max comes to mind...]

What you have here is more proof that CA politicians care more about illegal aliens than US citizens. Keep in mind there are 7500 homeless in San Franpoopsco alone Newsom did nothing to for as mayor before becoming Lt Gov. How about taking care of homeless Americans before giving free healthcare to illegal aliens? Oh wait that's right, US citizens, rich or poor, are third class citizens in CA.

*Newsom brags this program worked in San Franpoopsco, but look at the cost of living there. If you're not making 6 figures good luck. And again the homeless situation is not getting smaller, it's actually growing and other CA cities are plagued with homeless.

Those of you in Free-America don't laugh or mock, Newsom represents the mindset of all progressives within the socialist party. CA is the radical Left's model for what they want to do to the entire country as he argues here to expand the healthcare system to them.

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