Monday, August 27, 2018

John Sununu Rips CNN For Being Untrustworthy (Video)

John Sununu, fmr Gov of NH and George HW Bush fmr chief of staff, appeared on CNN to discuss Sen McCain's legacy but after some cordial discussion the topic changed to Pres Trump. This is when Sununu calmly turned the tables on the DNC propaganda network suggesting their reporting is untrustworthy!

For those unaware the Left despised John McCain, they trashed him all the time, but the time it stood out the most was during the 2008 election, when he was running against obama. McCain was called every name in the book, including being the target of charges for racism...

"McCain...[is] running a campaign on partisan division, class warfare and even hints of racism.”
- NYTimes, "Obama for President,” 10/23/08

"Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are sowing the seeds of hatred and division."
- Rep John Lewis 2008

Now the very same people and organizations who trashed him are praising McCain for the last 3 days; probably because he strongly opposed Pres Trump.

This hypocrisy is why Sununu opened up both barrels on CNN, as politely as he could, that clearly triggered failed Fox host and now a Leftist stooge Alisyn Camerota. CNN's reporting on what happens within the White House is the equivalent to supermarket tabloids claiming alien kidnappings to dead celebs being seen at Walmart. Anytime they report a "source" it's more or less someone making things up, kinda like how Trump's fmr atty Michael Cohen was in Prague to POTUS' knowledge of Trump Tower meeting - all denied by Clinton HACK Lanny Davis.

CNN is always looking for an angle to attack Pres Trump. They will never stop until he is out of office and the GOP no longer holds a majority in Congress. This "mission" is not what any legitimate unbiased news agency engages in, it's clearly political activism that only widens the "cleavage" Sununu spoke about, "I think this effort to create a cleavage between the White House and those that are mourning John McCain really does disturb me. It is this effort by the press to accentuate the negative that I think have created the climate that prevents, in the long term, the bipartisanship that John McCain supported."

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