Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Sen Warren Trivializes Tibbetts Murder, Attacks Trump Admins Treatment of Illegal Aliens (Video)

Democrats like Elizabeth Warren don't care about American families being permanently separated (killed) at the hands of criminal illegal aliens. She took this opportunity to attack the Trump admin handling of illegal alien "families" being separated TEMPORARILY; which is US policy to ensure children are not being abused by those they're caught with at the border. FYI criminals like to take kids across the border to give the appearance they're just looking for a better life. BTW we do this family separation everyday when a parent is sent to jail!

This is one of the most heartless, BIASED statements an elected leader could possibly say, making it clear as day YOU the American citizen DO NOT MATTER. It's been made clear to those living in CA but now all Americans need to understand YOU ARE a second, if not third, class citizen.

This is how it is in CA, per the laws and recent court rulings:
Illegal aliens = first class citizens
Hardcore unhinged violent Leftists = second class citizens
US citizens = third class citizens, it's more or less open season on US citizens.

Warren's statement more or less is making this apply to the nation.

If you are not a card carrying liberal progressive/ democrat socialist, the Left HATES YOU. They don't care what happens to you and yours at the hands of their precious "undocumented immigrants". They don't care if these people suck, whats left of, the social entitlement dry living off your tax dollars.

Let be made abundantly clear American HAS an effective immigration system. The problem with it, why progressives whine it's "broken", is because those charged in enforcing the laws are the ones who broke it! The laws on the books are not being enforced. Yes, ICE and the Border Patrol are doing their part but we have legislators and radical liberal judges who find it necessary to interfere, turn a blind eye, or go against the laws, stopping law enforcement from doing their job. Warren is part of that machine interfering. She and her party of destruction want the laws rewritten to let all the illegals in and grant them amnesty. She can sugarcoat it all she wants, but in the end an open border and amnesty for all is the Socialist Party's end goal.
Illegals granted amnesty = votes = power and control for the democrats socialists over all of us!

So go ahead America be complacent, sit home election day, but don't whine and complain when you learn socialists are back in power after the midterms.

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