Fmr MSNBC host Touré Neblett says the United States "is a white supremacist country" where everything Pres Trump does is proof he is a racist who "stands on black people's necks." When did all of this nonsense really start? Jan 2009 when barack hussein obama took office, where he spent the next 8 years driving a wedge between Americans setting race relations back 40 years.
If the US is a white supremacist country why are so many literally risking their lives to come here? Why are there thousands of minorities ILLEGALLY crossing our border every month? If POTUS is such a racist why has his approval jumped over the last year with so many black Americans and other minorities supporting him? The stats don't fit the narrative Touréttes is spewing.
This guy, MSNBC, CNN all the media, Leftists.. you know the players at this point are the ones driving racism in this country. We're fine, they're making it out to be more than it is. THEY are poisoning the country with this narrative because it makes them money and keeps them in power. Do you really believe these hardcore Leftists from Touré to obama want this country to be as one? HELL NO! The division among races means absolute power for the Left, regardless of the fact they destroy lives with said power. Every single dilapidated/ run down city with a large population of minorities has been under democrats control for decades. They run it down, pretending they had nothing to do with it by pointing fingers at their opposition and then go to streets with calls for socialism and more power and control given to them to make things right.
This country has a race problem, it's not from Donald Trump, GOP or conservatives. The Left is as racist today as they were 160+ years ago when they started a war to hold onto their way of doing things! Those ranting like Touré ARE racists, they are the problem and will never offer a solution.
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