Friday, August 31, 2018

Using the Word "Monkey is Racist, Unless You're on the Left (Video)

The Left has been going insane over the last week following Rep Ron DeSantis' comment, after winning GOP primary for governor of FL, about not "monkeying things up" with socialist policies his opponent Andrew Gillum is running on.

Because DeSantis supports Pres Trump this "monkey" comment was immediately interpreted by the Left as a racist term, because Gillum is Black. The fact that DeSantis complimented Gillum is irrelevant when Leftists are looking for anything to destroy to him since socialist policies do not bode well with Americans.

Of course using "monkey" isn't considered racist when Leftists use it....

Here's an entire thread of many elected Leftists using this "racist" word too..

(Many more here)

Even author Stephen King called members of Trump's cabinet monkeys, which would include Ben Carson who is Black. So this tweet would make King a racist too! We should ban and burn all his books and movies per the rules the Left has established when dealing with racists, right?

These people are the real deplorables, over their constant race hustling and fake outrage. They want to make the US into a country where you will need permission to speak on just about anything, using an approved list of words.
Wanna stop them? Vote GOP this November otherwise this crap is going to intensify.

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