Thursday, September 6, 2018

Fmr Obama Admin Solicitor Gen Compares Trump to Stalin (Video)

Neal Katyal, obama's fmr Solicitor General, appeared on MS13NBC to discuss tension in the White House with the relentless attacks against POTUS, from the anonymous official to unsubstantiated books like Bob Woodward's, and the illegal Mueller investigation. Stephanie Ruhle asked if he has a right to be paranoid where Katyal responded he had a right and was just like Stalin who was paranoid.

These people never stop with the attacks and comparisons to tyrants. Trump to date has done nothing wrong, other than take a sledgehammer to the way things used to be and wipe out obama's "legacy", which was nothing but Executive Orders because he could never get legislative support from Congress! He has not pushed major policy through via Exec Orders like obama, and is getting actual legislation in front of him, or invoking the laws already on the books. None of that stops the left from attacking, comparing him to Stalin, hitler, or some other LEFTIST dictator.

Is Trump paranoid? NOPE.
Is Trump mad? YEP, so would anyone if lies are being told about you, your admin, staff and family 24/7/365.

The media is playing this narrative because they want him out of office, and should their Blue Wave fail they need a back-up aka 25th Amendment. That's what all of this is about, laying the groundwork to argue for the 25th Amend to be used should the midterms not go their way.

These people are vile and dangerous. If you want to shut them up and protect Trump YOU MUST VOTE this November. Trump actually just said it in his speech at a rally in Billings, MT. After talking about how the dems want to impeach him, he said if it happens it "you" the People's fault for not voting allowing dems to seize power!

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