Thursday, January 24, 2019

AZ Border Patrol Captures 110+ Illegals After Climbing Over Wall With Smuggler's Ladder

The Arizona Border Patrol captured over 110+ illegal aliens from Central America as they climbed over the border wall using a smugglers ladder! The left will say see walls don't work they'll use ladders like they did here. On the flip side it was a combination of a wall and cameras that allowed the BP to react and capture these people - the wall slowed them down.

If there was no barrier/ fence/ wall these people would have never been caught... Border execs have said it's approx a ratio of 4:1 for the number of illegals who get away to those captured. So while 110+ were nabbed in the Yuma Sector an estimated 400+ got through somewhere else, where there are no barriers/ fences or walls. That is what this shutdown is about, stopping the countless illegals getting through in areas where there are no barriers or security.

By the way for those saying the technology can do the job we don't need a wall. No they can't since the motion sensors and cameras are usually mounted on the wall!

How many OTM's got across today? You know all it takes is one or a few from the middle east to get through. The recent attacks we've had over the last couple of years were carried out by individuals or in the case of San Bernardino a couple (No they did not cross illegally but it's just a question of time until that happens). They can miss we can't, we need the border secured. Democrats don't care, they just see future voters and changes to our current demographics to shift political control to them.

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