First things first, no one should have to fear being attacked for their political beliefs, race or their sexual preferences. Those responsible for the brutal attack on "Empire" star Jussie Smollett should have the book thrown at them. That said it is absolutely irresponsible for ANYONE in the media, especially after the two clustf*cks in one week over the Covington students and Buzzfeed's fiction, to jump to conclusions and point fingers of blame.
MSNBC couldn't contain themselves with their obsession to blame Trump supporters wearing MAGA hats for Smollett's attack. To date there is NO PROOF of this but because of his color and being homosexual well it had to be those evil Trump supporters in their KKK red hats!
The Chicago PD issued a statement saying making no indication the perps were wearing MAGA hats, but that didn't seem to matter to MSNBC race and homophobia hustlers.
Again the media screwed up twice jumping on story with no facts and here we go again. This is why they are rightfully deemed the Enemy of the People.
NOW should it turn out the perps were radical far right Trump supporters then they should have the book thrown at them, but let's blame everyone who supports Trump for the horrendous actions of a few. Democrats of course are incapable of this, and will blame 63M Americans so it will be another wedge widening the permanent divide in the US.
Empire’s Jussie Smollett Assaulted In Chicago, Police Investigate As Possible Hate Crime
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