Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Susan Rice Thinks Trump Should Have Notified Obama of al-Baghdadi Killing

Where do these people come from with their elitist mentalities? Susan Rice is upset Pres Trump didn't notify obama of the baghdadi raid. According to this degenerate, who lied on 5 networks in row on the same day pushing the Benghazi LIE, there's a tradition of common courtesy among sitting Presidents to share top secret information with former Presidents. 😏🙄

barack obama did NOT pick up the phone May 1st 2011 to tell George W Bush in a few short hours Navy SEALS would be en route to Pakistan on state-of-the-art experimental helicopters to capture or kill osama bin laden. Bush was probably contacted a few hours after the kill was confirmed. What's being left out of the comparison to the baghdadi operation is obama did not have to worry about people within Congress leaking his military plans to undermine his administration. You see that's the difference between a democrat in the White House vs a republican. Republicans don't put national security at risk as the petty, vindictive dems do.

Trump told obama when he told the entire nation, which is how it should be regardless of who is President. obama is a civilian he is not privy to military operations and neither are democrat party leaders who leak all the time. Under US LAW the President is only obligated to notify Congressional heads in certain matters to congressional intelligence committees per 50 US Code § 3093 - Presidential approval and reporting of covert actions

These unhinged violent Leftists need to get off their high horse. Trump is the President, he doesn't need their approval to take out scumbag terrorists and doesn't need to tell former admins he's cleaning up the mess they helped create!

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