Monday, November 18, 2019

Dem Congresswoman Calls to "Impeach the Bastard Right Now"

Congresswoman Dina Titus speaking at NV democrat event, First in West, attacked the President calling him a "con artist" to cheers of unhinged violent Leftists as she followed up calling "to impeach the bastard right now".

Amusing, Titus claims "we[dems] accomplished a lot" but note how she doesn't list any, know why?? The dems haven't done shit but waste YOUR money with frivolous investigations and hearings. They have nothing to run on, so they lie saying they did because they know voters are stupid believing anything they say. Call them out ask them what they've done for you, you won't get a straight answer!

She is right about one thing 2020 election is the most important election of our time. Voters can either take a stand for freedom and America first or allow foulmouth radical Leftists seize power, to pick up where obama left off putting his/ their policies into overdrive to complete the fundamental transformation of the USA.

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