Thursday, December 19, 2019

Senior Ranking Democrat Says Give Trump a Fair Trial and Hang Him!

James Clyburn went on the DNC's tv network speaking freely said exactly what he was thinking about Pres Trump and the democrat party's vote to impeach him. He wants the Senate to hold a hearing and then hang the President. He said it he meant it, but of course you know the backpedaling and excuses will fly.

CNN's Berman asks Clyburn how long he (and the dems) are willing to wait to transfer Articles of Impeachment to the Senate? Clyburn quite comfortable, not under any pressure of any kind says, "As long as it takes. Even if he doesn't come around to committing to a fair trial, keep those articles here. So keep it as long as it takes. If you know and he's told you what he's going to do, let's give him a fair trial and hang him. It's the reverse of that. If you know and he's told you what he's going to do, it's almost like uh let's give him a fair trial and hang him. It's the reverse of that."

Had this been a WHITE old republican talking about hanging obama, CNN and all the media, all Leftist leaders would be calling for their head while encouraging mass riots coast-to-coast. But because we have a senior ranking democrat call for the President of the United States to be hung, well that was taken out of context, he didn't mean it or whatever excuse they cough up.

When you read on this site or my twitter handle that these democrats (regardless of age and sex) are incredibly dangerous, it's not being said facetiously. These people are violent, they have a history of violence, they started a civil war in this country to preserve their way of life and are prepared to do it again.

We're repeating history, living in a second cold civil war like the late 1850's, with the dems standing on the gas pedal to get us to 1861 when actual wartime shots were fired. Clyburn isn't going to do anything, nor is Pelosi or any of the drones in DC or on tv. The problem is with the unhinged monsters who live and breath by their every word. The people who have already taken to the streets following Maxine Waters' directive to intimidate and attack. It's about the next Alexandria shooter, they're out there, there's A LOT of them.

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