Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Fmr FBI Asst Director Lists the Crimes Committed by Obama Admin Officials

Fmr FBI Asst Director James Kallstrom listed a number of crimes that have been committed by obama admin officials involved in the fraudulent Russia collusion hoax and the unmasking of fmr Gen Michael Flynn.

Criminal leaks of classified information in violation of the Espionage Act
Conspiracy to obstruct justice
Conspiracy to deny civil rights to the President, Carter Page, General Flynn and at all Alba's
Conspiracy to defraud the US FISA Court
Conspiracy to obstruct Congressional proceedings
Perjury/ false statements

Keep in mind Kallstrom isn't a prosecutor on a missions these crimes are obvious to him. Now US Atty John Durham has been tasked with getting to the bottom of the origins of the Russia probe and he has prosecutorial power. You can be sure he has a similar list we can assume he had his team are working on, getting the evidence to prove these crimes, and others, were committed by Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Mueller and so many others now that the truth is coming out.

Heads better roll and very soon, or a dangerous precedent will be set telling Deep State actors they're above the law. And if not, if excuses are made, then maybe it's time for the People to march in DC and make some changes.

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