Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Minority Ldr EXPLODES Over Dems Unconstitutional Proxy Voting

GOP Minority Ldr Kevin McCarthy went off on the democrats recent power grab with Unconstitutional proxy voting. Over 70 democrats voted by proxy denying their constituents a voice, ceding their power delegated to them by the People to their staff, per their own rules McCarthy explains "if a member is unavailable to email or send a text message a staff member may transmit the instructions at the direction of the member"!

Did you vote for a staff member to vote on your behalf or another Representative to vote on behalf of yours?!

I could go on and on but what you must understand is this is the power democrat yield only holding 1/2 of 1/3 of total government power. If they get control of the Senate, hold the House and win the White House giving them super majority power, they WILL bulldoze over this country faster than you have ever seen, with Joe Biden doing whatever he is told, ready to sign whatever they put in front of him into law. With that also keep in mind of the power grabs dem governors and mayors are pulling right now acting like outright tyrants and fascists (they accuse the right of being), life now in this pandemic lockdown is a snapshot of the hell dems will raise if they control Washington DC.

Do not take this lightly, it's not being said facetiously trying to express to you how truly serious this is - the Founders would be shooting by now.
The Founders, a bunch of farmers really, went to war with the British Empire, at that time the most powerful in the world, over FAR less!!

You cannot sit home election day, and you cannot allow friends, coworkers and family that are likeminded sit home either. This isn't just Donald Trump in the fight of his life but the country too. The democrats have been out for blood since 2016. You see what's happening coast-to-coast and now you're hearing about their abuse of power in DC.

No one is coming to our rescue, Donald Trump can only do so much, that someone you're waiting for to do something is staring at you when you look into the mirror.

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