Friday, May 8, 2020

MSNBC Claims Putin is Why DOJ Dropped Flynn Case

TDS Alert!

The Left is in complete meltdown mode since Acting DNI Grennell released all the Russian investigation transcripts proving the FBI had nothing on General Flynn. MSDNC with no proof is back at it claiming Putin has power of the DOJ to drop the case against Gen Flynn.

These monsters are denying outright facts in front of them! They know they have viewers who are now questioning everything they've been told for the last 3+ years so the only solution they have is to make new claims of Russian collusion. MSNDNC is in fact stirring the same pot that has resulted in Trump supporters being viciously attacked verbally and physically. It's a huge stretch but what they're doing is treasonous, to go on air and lie.

Flynn was entrapped. He agreed to the coup conspirators in the FBI's demands because they threatened to throw his son in jail.

Americans sick and tired of this need to bring the hammer down on Comcast. Cut services, boycott advertisers/sponsors, show up at shareholder meetings, organize with other shareholders to change the Board/ leadership. Until that company feels financial pain this PROPAGANDA is going to continue.

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