Saturday, May 9, 2020

Obama is Scared

Ever since news hit about the DOJ dropping their charges against Gen Flynn the Left has been flipping out, yapping about the rule of law and our democracy is in danger*. You can now add barack milhous benito hussein obama to that list of Leftists panicking.

Do we have the proof obama is the mastermind? NO, but we have fmr DNI James Clapper admitting 4 times obama gave the order to spy on Trump. We have all the puzzle pieces being put together by people like Mark Levin and Joe diGenova. And now we have obama doing his share of damage control in what is being called a staged leak of a phone call to loyalist Michael Isikoff.

0 is scared, he knows people are going to start talking. He will be front and center in this election because he knows as long as Trump is in office his "innocence" and freedom are in danger. Keep in mind everyone in the Deep State and the obama regime thought Hillary would be President right now, who would've have buried all bodies. Trump being in power, not playing the DC game has upset the order of things, thus their desperate attempts to remove him from office.

Constitutional Scholar Jonathan Turley took obama to task on his claims

See now, you know something is up. obama most definitely knew about everything going on with the Russia investigation targeting the Trump admin. Listen to this guy, especially how he's stutters (classic indicator he lies) and stops mid sentence, he knows he's in trouble and people are starting to talk.

And he is something that really gets the wheels spinning, Fox News' Shannon Bream posted this on Twitter after all the news broke about Flynn

Based on how obama is reacting, pretty adamant Trump has to be beaten in Nov, it's safe to assume that "bombshell" could very well be about darth hussein! The marxist is right, this is the most important election four time, we need another four years of Trump and GOP majority to bring down this massive house of cards obama and his ilk have built.

FTR: The rule of law is being upheld by the charges being dropped against Flynn. Since the release of the 53 Russia Investigation transcripts, as well as the handwritten note proving Flynn was set-up to lie, it's abundantly clear the Deep State had NOTHING on him. That doesn't matter though to the Left, they want Flynn to spend the rest of his life in jail because he admitted to perjury.... Uh huh he admitted to lying about a lie! Where is the law that makes that a crime!? Don't bother looking, it doesn't exist otherwise the Left would be plastering it everywhere.

Second the US is not a democracy, it's a Republic governed by the Rule of Law, not the WILL OF THE MOB! The mob, aka the Left, seems to think whatever they think is a crime must be upheld regardless of what the laws say. So cutting a man they detest loose because he didn't commit a crime apparently puts the entire country in danger!? What's dangerous to our democracy is Leftist wanting a man to be imprisoned for doing nothing, being entrapped to serve as a stepping stone to get to our President, and exposing the people involved with an attempted bloodless coup that by the looks of it obama hands are all over orchestrating.

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