Friday, May 1, 2020

Park Ranger Explaining Social Distancing Gets Shoved Into Water

In some parts of the US we have police crossing the line arresting people for being in parks/playgrounds, not wearing masks on buses, to harassing moms because their kid is playing at the neighbors house. Here we have people at a park in Austin, TX where a Park Ranger was not acting like a fascist ordering them out, but explaining to them to maintain social distancing when some degenerate shoves him into the water.

Take note how the little monster who did it went in too and ran off pretty fast.

"Associated Press:
In Austin, police say a 25-year-old man was charged with attempted assault on a public service worker after a video posted on social media showed a city park ranger getting shoved into the water while asking a crowd to keep 6 feet of distance."

We get it, people are tired of this stay at home nonsense but that doesn't justify treating a Park Ranger this way. Again, he wasn't kicking people out, like we're seeing in other parts of the country, he was simply explaining/asking them to put some space between each other.

Seeing that this is Austin, TX, a democrat stronghold, think it's safe to assume this little monster is not a representation of the majority of people in TX who respect the law and individuals of authority.

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