Sunday, May 10, 2020

Powell: Obama 'Absolutely' in on Plot to Frame Flynn

Michael Flynn's attorney Sydney Powell appeared on Sunday Morning Future with Maria Bartiromo going over where things stand as they wait on Judge Sullivan to make a decision to sign off the case and the timeline of events leading up to the false charges against the General, to in fact entrap him. When asked how far she thinks it goes, Powell confidently responded "Absolutely".

Powell, Bartiromo, conservatives, most sane reasonable republicans know obama's hands are all over this operation against Trump that started with Flynn. The Deep State coup conspirators wanted to incriminate several people tied to Trump and frankly blackmail them to say Trump broke the law. They DID IT to Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos none of which turned on Trump and attempted the same tactics against KT McFarland.

barack milhous benito hussein obama is the most corrupt president the USA ever had, and he is now running scared. The list of scandals under his belt dwarfs any claims the Left will make against Trump: Solyndra, Fast & Furious, DOJ spying on media, IRS, Benghazi etc etc. He is as guilty in this coup as Strzok, Page, Comey, Brennan etc, BUT there is no way he will ever see the inside of a jail cell. Darth Hussein will hang these people out to dry when and if the day comes from the Durham probe. If you don't think the guy who had Valeria Jarrett (who many think ran the WH at times) at his side doesn't have an insurance policy against these people you're dreaming!

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