Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Press Sec Defends Trump's Tweets Against Scarborough

The media's hypocrisy is again on full display during the WH Press Briefing over Pres Trump's tweets against Joe Scarborough suggesting the death of his intern, Lori Klausutis, in 2001 should be looked at again. Jon Karl and the other liberal hacks are upset accusing the President of spreading conspiracy theory, but who was it for over 3 years, and counting, that has reported as fact that Trump is a Russian asset, not paying his taxes, obstructed justice, committed adultery, is a card-carrying racist, trashed his family, and all the other bullshit the American people have had to put up with including accusing him of being responsible for 100K people dying from the China...

C H I N A    V I R U S !

Kayleigh McEnany masterfully handled these conspiracy spreading monsters by throwing back at them what they have been doing to Trump for years.

For the record Trump has NEVER directly accused Scarborough of murder, he is calling for it to be looked into since there are no statute of limitations! But once again Jon Karl is making things up, just like he did weeks ago that Trump suggested people inject bleach and other disinfectants to battle the China Virus! The man has a history now of putting words in people's mouths to advance a narrative.

Klausutis allegedly fainted, hitting her head on a desk sash fell that resulted in her untimely death from a severe skull fracture (FYI '1,100 pounds of force' is needed 'to fracture a human skull at its weakest points'~Ref). Raise your hand if you have ever fallen and hit your head on something? When yours truly was a teen I got hit on my bike by a car pulling out of parking spot where I was knocked out when my head hit the ground. (So there's the force of me moving on the bike + the force of car hitting me.) My skull wasn't cracked, but some intern trips, her skull is cracked and she dies from it!?
NO, something isn't right especially when her former boss jokes about her death 2 years later on Imus!

Yes, it's stupid things have come to this but the media punched first, they always do and Trump hits back. They've been attacking him, accusing him of killing 100K people over this virus, he heard the Imus the clip saw the 2017 story from True Pundit and ran with it, which is no different from the crap these monsters, ESPECIALLY Joe and Mika, have been attacking Trump with for years.

If Leftists want this to stop all they have to do is stop attacking Trump! They throw a punch he swings backs with a baseball bat. If you don't want to get hit stay out of the game!

And Kayleigh you keep doing what you're doing, these SOB's need to be put in their place.

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