Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Apparently, Not All Black Lives Matter to the Media


The victims of the media's beloved "protesters" are not getting any attention because they prove the narrative we're being shoveled is total bs. Black Lives Matter? Apparently not all do...

This Fmr St Louis Police Capt, David Dorn, who tried stop looters -- scuse me "protesters" where he was murdered over some tv's didn't matter enough for the media to even give 10 seconds of airtime...

Patrick Underwood, a federal guard was murdered during the "protests" in Oakland, but you wouldn't know because that's not a story that will get clicks.

This woman, and 5 others, had a gun pulled on her where she was trying to help clean-up in the middle of the day, but you won't hear Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon or Stephanie Ruhle going off about that.

Then there is this older woman whose business was completely destroyed, from the sounds of it money stolen.. not headlining on NY Times or Washington Post is it!?

This poor guy worked as a firefighter, saved his money to open his dream business only to have it destroyed by those preaching "Black Lives Matter"...


While we're at it let's not forget this guy from 1992 LA riots whose words ring true today probably for many business owners now digging through the rubble!

You will never see any of these people and many others featured on CNN, MSNBC, NY Times or any other liberal propaganda outlet. They, like the piles of bricks being left in cities, prove these RIOTS are not protests but part of a bigger plan to bring chaos to America while the media blatantly lies about the rioters intentions; when they're not saying WHITE supremacists and Trump supporters are acting out on Russia's direction!

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