Monday, June 8, 2020

Once Thing is Clear, Minneapolis City Council Pres Has NO CLUE What She's Doing

City Council Pres, Lisa Bender, who told protesters they has a veto-proof majority to defund/dismantle the police, appeared on CNN to speak on their plans for Minneapolis where it's clear she has no clue what she's doing. There are a lot of questions to be asked and answered starting with the basics:

  • With no police criminals will be empowered as well as evildoers – who will people call when a school, mall, church gets shot up?
  • Who is going to enforce dems already unconstitutional orders, like gun restrictions or outright grabs?
  • When someone kidnaps or sexually assaults a child, who will the people call?
  • When a banks or businesses is getting robbed, or even a home, who is going to respond to the 911 call for help?
  • When there is inevitably a brutal assault, rape or murder who is going to investigate and arrest the criminals, rapists and murderer(s)?
  • When people's stuff gets stolen, who is going to find and arrest the thief/thieves?

Alisyn Camerota asked Bender what she would do if she had to call for help in the middle of the night where Bender's answer was loaded with useless, meaningless virtue/SJW talk that being able to call for help '...comes from a place of privilege, because for those of us for whom the system is working, I think we need to step back and imagine what it would feel like to already live in that reality where calling the police may mean more harm is done'!

Bender then had a second appearance with Wolf Blitzer who asked about an active shooter situation where she admits they 'don't have all the answers'...

.... but they have the votes to defund/dismantle the police. This is all the Left cares about is getting that box checked off, they do it with every insane promise. They did it with obamacare and look at that disaster. The Left has no actual plans for any of their crazy insane ideas, so long as it sounds good, keeps the campaign donations coming in and the votes to stay in power election day. Then life/death decisions about our lives become an experiment for them to figure out, and when they can't they pivot blaming republicans or moving onto a new idea.

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