Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Pelosi Attends DC Protest Making It Clear Whose Side She's On

Democrats in DC have been quite silent since their supporters began protesting and then shifting to rioting, arson, looting and various acts violence of violence over the disgusting death of George Floyd. Nancy Pelosi finally came down from her throne making it clear she sides with the same people who are attacking police, committing all of the above mentioned and burning a historic Church.

I've check many times, maybe I missed it but the democrats have not come out to condemn what is going on. What everyone needs to remember is that those in the streets are the new incarnation of Occupy. This is obama for America's baby that has morphed into a militant, defiant, destructive movement. They don't care about what happens so long as Trump can be blamed for it propelling the DNC to super majority power in November.

That's all this is about, and honestly we shouldn't be surprised cities are burning! The Bernie Bros, radicals just like the ones running loose, said 1) If Bernie is robbed of the nomination cities will burn. Well, he dropped out, but 2) they also vowed if Trump wins cities will burn. So is it safe to assume they moved up their plans?

Just about ever radical group is in the streets making outlandish demands from ending funding for police or to completely eliminate them altogether, Black Lives Matter creating their own armed "peace officers," white people to take a knee apologizing for their privilege and their allegiance to the Left. Total insanity out there and Pelosi, third in line for the Presidency, is with them 100%.

You should be very concerned. If these dems get the power like they had in the first 2 years of obama's reign of terror what you've experienced with the lockdown and the violence in the cities will be common occurrence.

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