Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Pelosi Refuses to Apologize For Accusing Republican Senators Of Murder, Schumer Agrees


Nancy Pelosi, third in line for the Presidency of the United States, accused Republican Senators of murder in a radio interview on CBS Radio while discussing police reform, "So far they're trying to get away with murder, actually. The murder of George Floyd." This hateful, vile woman is shining example of EVERY SINGLE DEMOCRAT in the United States (rich to poor, celebrity to antifa) refused to apologize for making this inflammatory, divisive statement on the DNC's primary media outlet CNN...

Like clockwork when ChuckSchumer was asked about her statement the SOB agreed without hesitation...


These are the people elected to run the country. The hate they have for the GOP and really YOU, because YOU put the GOP and Trump in office is off the charts. These people are deliberately using this kind of rhetoric because they know it amps up their mindless supporters, who are currently tearing this country apart. If you haven't noticed Pelosi, Schumer and the rest of their ilk have yet to condemn the violence and destruction taking place. They approve and know talking like this emboldens their foot soldiers.

A LOT of GOP voters sat home Nov 2018, many are the same people bitching about what's going on now. If you're one of them look in mirror because it's your fault these dems are in power. You better get your asses out to vote for Trump and the GOP in 131 days, otherwise the chaos we're seeing right now will be a daily occurrence and their won't be any cops to stop it.

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